Hey, fellow commuters!
I'm baaaaaaaack!
I apologize for not being able to get to this blog post sooner. I'm fighting a funky ass head cold and I've been in a fog for the past few days. Not only that, I
still don't have a computer. I'll be getting one shortly after school starts for me, hopefully. I will attempt to make a video within the next couple days as well.
I completed
Camp NaNoWriMo on July 30 (one day ahead of the deadline)! I'm pleased with what I accomplished, but I have a LOT more work to do on my novel.
It was an awesome experience. I really appreciated the support that came along with the virtual cabin I was in. I have to confess, though... about halfway through, I had a breakdown. The challenge to write 50k words for a novel became too overwhelming for me. The good thing about camp is that word count goals are flexible, so I decided upon a more practical word count goal of 35k words. I learned a lot of things during this process.
1) Writing is NOT easy. Anybody who says otherwise is a damn liar. While it's not easy, it is an enjoyable experience. There's a lot to learn by writing. I learn about focus, concentration, will power, proper grammar, sentencing structure, and being unique every single time I write. There's so much more and each writing experience is different. It's not about just putting words together, it's about pulling emotions out from your readers and captivating them. It's pouring your heart and soul into words because it's easier to write how you feel instead of saying it.

2) Plan, plot, and think ahead! It sounds easy, but don't let it fool you. Even when you think you've got everything in order, go back and do it some more! This is my second attempt at writing a novel and I always go with the flow. That's one of my biggest mistakes and it can be very stressful. If you just have an overall idea of what you're writing about and not specifics, you're setting yourself up for disaster. What am I getting at? Get your ducks in a row before you start writing so while you are writing, you don't have to hit any unnecessary obstacles.
3) Exceed your daily word count goal. Seriously. At times, it puts extra pressure on yourself, but doing so allows for the day (or days) you need a break from writing.
4) Change your writing scenery. I was surprised to learn how being outside to write can be so inspirational. When it wasn't ideal to write outside, I went to the library to do some writing. Believe it or not, that's where a lot of my writing got done.
5) Give and get support from your fellow writers. It goes a long way when you're writing. It's also comforting to know that when you have writer's block, someone has been through it as well.
6) It's okay to put your novel away for a few days. Especially when life knocks on the door and expects you to return to reality.
7) Most importantly, have fun! If you're not having fun writing, it's time to take a break. Writings are works in progress. If you're getting stressed out, frustrated, and to the point where you're not enjoying what you're doing, revert to #6.
I hope I don't make writing sound like an avoidable experience. Everyone
should write. It's an essential form of communication. There are so many people today that don't write properly and use words incorrectly. As I mentioned earlier, I learn something new every time I write. But there's more to writing than just putting words together that make sense. It's about self-expression. It's about appreciating aesthetic beauty. It's about learning to think before you act. I'd like to share something that in my opinion applies to not just writing, but to my blog overall:
"Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you.
You must travel it by yourself.
It is not far. It is within reach.
Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know.
Perhaps it is everywhere - on water and land."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
Overall, it was a productive month. August is already proving to be a VERY BUSY month. I am taking the rest of the week off to give myself a little break and to have a "staycation". It won't be any kind of time off where I have nothing to do--believe me, I have PLENTY to do! I will be taking Abigail to school today to meet her teacher and get things in order for her. Thursday (the 7th) is my niece's birthday and we'll be getting together to do something for her. Friday (the 8th) is Abigail's first day of fourth grade! Next week I will be registering her for religion and dance classes. In three weeks, I'll be starting school for the semester. This will be the first semester I'm taking classes that I am passionate about and not just ones that I HAVE to take. I know it will be crazy and hectic, but I'm optimistic about the semester.
I will do my ABSOLUTE BEST to keep updating as the school year progresses. Don't hold it against me if I don't update as often, though.
Have a great week!