You'll see I've done some layout changes because CHANGE IS GOOD. I've finally been able to sit down and do a complete update! I've been super busy (as usual) but I've honestly been trying to take time out to do a little bit for myself. As hectic as everything has been, I really wouldn't want it any other way.
Time to backtrack a little (which I wouldn't have to do if I would update more frequently). Remember I mentioned that my college's literary magazine was getting ready to come out? Well, it has and a couple of my short stories got published! I had submitted some haikus as well that didn't get published, but I was okay with that. I'm happy that my longer works were the ones chosen, anyway. They have a more profound meaning.

I ended up not being able to submit anything for my scholarships. It turns out I wasn't eligible for them. :( So I was slightly disappointed about that. Oh well--other opportunities will arise. I'm trying to convince myself that there was probably a reason for it.
Wrestlemania 30 was AWESOME! I've been to several WWE shows, but there's a reason why Wrestlemania is called the grandest stage of them all. No words can truly explain how cool the entire experience was! I was saddened to learn that just two days after seeing him at Wrestlemania and the Hall of Fame Ceremony, the Ultimate Warrior passed away. He gave a wonderful and emotional speech at the HOF ceremony...who knew that would have been one of his last? And not to mention....THE UNDERTAKER'S STREAK WAS BROKEN. WHAT THE HELL? I really don't know what to say besides that!

A group of my friends and I got together and held a mini high school reunion the night before Easter. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. We laughed, reminisced about the old days, and had a wonderful time. Makes me remember why we were good friends in the first place. Everybody didn't make it. Hopefully next time around when we do plan something, everybody can make it. It's not a "clique reunion" if the whole clique isn't there!

The past couple months have been an emotionally packed time for me. All good, I promise! Abigail made her First Reconciliation and First Communion a few weeks ago. I cried like a baby. I don't know what it is, but it seems as if she's growing up all of a sudden.

I was also very sad to learn that the director of religious education at my church (who also happened to be one of my religion teachers at OLHCC), Ms. Harbison, will be leaving in a month for another job. On top of that, Father Billy is being moved to a different church. I will be a mess when they both leave. I've heard wonderful things about the new priest who's coming, but OLPH won't be the same without these great people. In fact, Ms. Harbison helped restore my faith in God and convinced me to start going back to church. I'm so thankful for her because my life has been so much better since I've been going to church. The messages that the church give seem to a come exactly when I need to hear them. Father Billy is a huge reason I went back to church as well. He truly is a wonderful man and if I could've hand-picked a priest for our church, I'd pick him over and over again. He is such an inspiration for my family. Because of him, my brother was able to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. I'm eternally grateful he was put in my life because spiritually, I'd be lost.
I got inducted into Alpha Xi Nu, OLHCC's chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society on May 2! This was such an honor! At OLHCC, all majors are invited to join if their overall and English GPA are above a 3.0. Also, there needs to be one or two upper level English classes taken. I'm very proud of myself! This seems to seal the fact that I am, indeed, an English major and most importantly, I BELONG. Which is what I've wanted all along. There was a lovely dinner to go along with the induction and presentation of honor cords for the graduates.

The end of the semester came at such a busy time for me! I had so many things going on AND on top of that, my laptop broke. It has a habit of not working when I need it to, but it's done for good now. So I have to get a new computer before the beginning of next semester. :(
I'm happy to say that I got a B in my British Literature II class. I worked very hard for that grade and I'm very proud of myself. There are some kinks that I have to learn to work out, but overall, I've learned so much in that class! It helps that there is such a strong bond among most of the English majors in the class. It's not often a day goes by that we don't speak with each other. I consider them great friends. Each one is an inspiration to me and I'm glad I have the opportunity to work with them.
Any time I have a glimmer of doubt in what I've chosen to do, I look to these wonderful people and realize I'm right where I belong. Being an English major is the best decision I've made for my academic career. I'm blessed to have such wonderful people on the same journey as I am. The Literary Club had an end of the year dinner to celebrate all the hard work we've accomplished and to honor the graduates. Even though none of our journeys are identical, we all relate to each other well. It's such a wonderful feeling knowing you are where you're supposed to be in your life and around the people you are. I am so content.

That about wraps up the past few months. Since I'm done with school for the semester, I have a LITTLE bit more free time to do things around and about that I've wanted to do that's been put on hold. I scheduled my classes for next semester and I'm anxiously waiting for school to start back! I'm taking Painting I, Shakespeare I, Creative Writing, Advanced Grammar, and Writing Tutorial I: Newspaper. This will be a full time semester for me, but I can't wait! I'm finally taking a full semester of classes that I want to take, not have to.
One thing I pledge to do is to update once a week...okay, once every other week. I really don't have an excuse as to why I shouldn't do that. If I want to be discovered and help others with their journeys, then I need to do my part. It's beneficial to me as well. I'm able to get my feelings out and, most importantly, work on my writing skills.
There are a couple projects I'm thinking about doing, but I can't promise that I'll be able to commit to them. I'm thinking about starting a fictional blog to prepare myself for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November. I have many ideas floating around as to what I want to do, but nothing set in stone.
Another project, inspired by my friends and fellow English majors Jenna and Courtney, I would like to start doing weekly or biweekly YouTube videos. I'm not sure what I would be doing videos on. Courtney does book reviews and Jenna documents her writing experiences. My main goal is to work on my oratorical skills. I need to learn to better articulate my words, not repeat myself, and just SPIT OUT WHAT I WANT TO SAY! For my college internship, I want to do something in journalism or in the communications field. I need all the practice I can get and I figured this would be a good start.
On that note, I want to link to Jenna's and Courtney's YouTube accounts so you can get an idea as to what I'm considering. This is Courtney's YouTube account and this is Jenna's YouTube account. Please subscribe to their channels!
That's about it! I hope all of you are having a good week! See you (hopefully) next week!
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