Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Writing & Reading

Hello, fellow commuters!

I hope everyone is having a good week so far. Mine has been pretty decent.

Not much has been going on. Abigail started summer camp this past week. She seems to really be enjoying it, so that makes me happy. 

I actually started reading a book that I've been meaning to read for the past eight months or so. It's Dante's The Inferno. I got through the first canto with no problem, so I'm hoping the rest will be smooth sailing as well. One goal I have for the summer break is to read some literature that I've always wanted to read and to possibly throw in a couple other good reads. I really do like to read, but I'm always on the go. I get easily distracted (unless classical music is playing) and I have a difficult time concentrating on anything, even if it's something I really like to do.

Another thing I worked on this week was not one, but two novel ideas! I love the moment when I get an idea and everything seems to fall right into place. One idea I'm saving for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), but the other one I think I'll work on for Camp NaNoWriMo in July. My understanding of the camp is to help you practice for The full NaNoWriMo in November. I think you set your word counts and everything. I will keep in touch as I'm working on it.

I still haven't decided on an idea for weekly or biweekly YouTube videos. I didn't think it was going to be this challenging. An idea just popped into my head--what about doing literature readings? I love to read aloud in class and it's not like I'd have to give an impromptu speech on it or anything. Just a thought... :)

I will try my best to keep updated as promised. This Saturday, I have a family reunion that I'm going to. I'm really looking forward to it. It's my dad's side of the family and most of them are older than I am. I haven't seen some of them in so long and some of them I don't know if I've seen at all! So it will definitely be a fun event! 

Saturday evening will be an emotional one for us as well. There will be a farewell reception for Father Billy at church. Sunday will be his last mass at OLPH. He will be visiting his family in Ireland for a few weeks and when he returns, he will be at a new church and OLPH will have a new priest. I'm remaining optimistic about it. No one can replace Father Billy, but I'm sure the new priest will be great as well.

That's about it for this week. I hope to have some progress on my novels and reading this week.

Have a great week!


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