Thursday, June 26, 2014

I'm going to camp!

Yep!  For the first time EVER!  I'm really excited!

I'm going to Camp NaNoWriMo for the month of July!

I'm not really going anywhere; it's a writing exercise.

Thirty-one days of writing, writing, and more writing.  What I like about it is that the camp is flexible as far as to what you write.  Unlike the full National Novel Writing Month event in November (where you write a 50,000 word novel in one month), you can revise something you've already written, write a short name it, you do it!  I was going to write a short story/journal but instead I'm basically rewriting my project from NaNoWriMo 2013.  It's a sad situation, really.  I got to right over 10,000 words (I was very proud of myself considering it was my first attempt at a long work).  I probably would've gotten a lot farther with my novel than that, but it was a very hectic semester.  I was so consumed with papers, practicals, exams, and more than I could have ever imagined.

Every time I'd start writing, I'd end up like this:

So, yeah... to say I struggled with juggling everything I was trying to do is putting it lightly.  But that's not even the worst part!  I'll get to that in a moment.  Some days I was on a roll and more than met my daily goal and other days I was lucky to write two sentences.  I thought I was smart for having my novel on my flash drive... well... earlier in the spring semester, I lost my flash drive at school.  It's like it disappeared out of nowhere.  I'm still upset about it.  I had a bunch of creative writing on the drive along with a bunch of my papers I'd written on there and --POOF-- there they went!  Luckily, I was able to recover everything EXCEPT FOR MY NOVEL.  And I was so proud of my first novel attempt.

It sucks, but it was a HARD lesson learned.

One of my goals for camp is to actually finish my novel/NaNoWriMo 2013 project, Of Joy That Kills.  The title is taken from an excerpt from Kate Chopin's short story The Story of an Hour.  I'd rather wait until camp is over before I tell you what it's about so I don't spoil any surprises about anything.  My original word count goal for camp was going to be 20,000 words but I think I'm going to aim for 50,000 words.  I'm hoping it will be easier this go around since I don't have school taking up most of my time.

Another update on my readings... I am finally on Canto XIV in The Inferno.  It's hard.  I've been reading online notes to help me understand what's going on because I'm so lost.  I've actually thought about throwing the book down and giving up because all the references are over my head.  I'm not a quitter, and I wouldn't abuse a book like that!  It's taken me a lot longer to get through it than I anticipated.  But honestly, IT IS GOOD.  It really, REALLY makes you think.  I love stories that make you think about life.  I would definitely recommend it.  One of these days, I'll get to the other two parts of Dante's Divine Comedy...Purgatorio and Paradiso.  Another book I'll finish one of these days is Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene.  I read Book I for one of my classes last fall and while I struggled with it at the time, I did enjoy it.

AND as promised, I finally made my YouTube video debut!  It only took what, two months?  Better late than never!  Please subscribe to my channel and take a look at my video.  As nerve racking as it was, I had so much fun doing it.  I can't wait to do another one soon!

That's about it.  I'm going to be honest and let you know ahead of time--I'm going to be spending a lot of time focusing on my novel, so I more than likely won't update as frequently as I have been.  I will make a conscious effort to do so, but don't hold me to it.  I want to devote all my time and energy into my novel.   I want it to be GOOD.

Have a good rest of the week!  Wish me luck on writing--I'm going to need it!


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The F Word

No, not the F bomb.  The other F word.

A word I despise because it's a label. It's not who or what you are.  People are judged by that word. It's not normal or "healthy" (gosh, I hate that word).  It's supposed to be this horrible thing but in reality, is it all that bad?

The word I'm referring to it FAT.

A person has fat; one is not fat.  Nobody wants to be friends with the fat kid.  Nobody wants to sit by the fat man in the restaurant.  Nobody wants to see a fat woman in a bathing suit. Why is that?  Are you afraid you're going to catch being fat from the other person?  If that were the case, I'd be sure to sit by a lot of mean, skinny people.

This is an issue that's bothered me for quite some time.  I usually keep quiet about my point of view so I don't spark a controversy or offend someone.  At this point, I'm beyond that.  People don't care about offending me, whether their comments are directed towards me or not, so why should I be the one to be silent?  I plan on giving my thoughts on this in a way that isn't offensive or demeaning.  I believe everyone is entitled to an opinion but if one chooses to express his or her opinion, then he or she should do it in a respectful manner.

What does it mean to judge someone?  According to Merriam Webster's Dictionary, judging is defined as "to form an opinion about (something or someone) after careful thought; to regard (someone) as good or bad".

First off, I'm referring to judging someone by looks alone.  We aren't supposed to judge anybody to begin with.  Without bringing religion into the conversation, there's only one person that I feel should judge me.  That's me.  No one in this world is perfect (and if you think you are, get off your pedestal).  Because everyone has flaws, no one should judge another person.  Having said that, I must add that there is a difference between judging a person by physical characteristics and judging a person by behavioral characteristics.  Now before you call me a hypocrite, here's what I mean.  If I know for a fact that someone does drugs, I am not going to associate myself with that person..  I will not be cruel to that person, but I also won't go out of my way to befriend that person.  You may wonder why, considering the fact that I just said no one should be judged.  It's because I don't want to be associated with a person who is a bad influence, and I don't want that person's actions and choices to affect my family or me.  The whole drug conversation can be saved for another post, because I have A LOT to say about that.

But I digress.  Let's get back to the point I'm making.  Being overweight alone doesn't have anything to do with personality and manners.  No matter how big or small a person is, everyone deserves kindness and everyone should be kind to others.  Who's to decide what's "fat" and what's "healthy"?  The Center for Disease Control, from what I basically, the government.  While I'm sure it's meant as guidelines and with good intentions, I don't appreciate being labeled by my height-to-weight ratio.  I think assessing weight is one of things that should be decided on by the individual and the individual's doctor, not the government.  Look, I get that there's a lot of medical problems associated with being overweight.  I get it, I really do.  But not everyone that is overweight has health issues!  I know, I'm one of them!  I visit my doctor on a regular basis and while she suggests that I do need to lose weight (again, because my body mass index is high for my height-to-weight ratio)  I don't have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, or heart disease.  As a matter of fact, I know people who are in the healthy weight range and they do have those problems, and more!  I rarely get sick, and overall I'm a healthy individual.

Photo: J.K Rowling tellin' it like it is as usual. Thanks Women's Rights News for the photo!

I won't lie.  According to the CDC, I'm considered obese.  What I am not, however, is a mean, insensitive, unkind, and hurtful person.  I don't believe in making fun of other individuals.  I don't see the point in deliberately hurting someone for personal gain.  It's just not right.  I know that being overweight isn't the best for me.  I'm not physically able to keep up with others like I should.  I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not comfortable in my skin.  I sincerely wish I was because I'd be a lot happier.  The main reason I'd be happier is because I know I wouldn't be judged because I'm overweight.

I've been considered obese for about three years now.  In 2010 I was considered overweight despite strenuous attempts at diet and exercise without much results.  In a desperate attempt to lose weight, I took diet pills along with my diet and exercise.  In a few months I got down to 125 pounds (so according to my BMI I was in the normal range).  I was proud of myself!  I exercised for 1-2 hours a day, ate relatively well, felt good, and most importantly, felt good..  But I cheated.  The diet pills made me have practically no appetite at all.  They had caffeine in them so I could go without drinking Cokes and not have the horrible, intense headaches that came with quitting them.  I had a lot more energy and endurance so I could exercise for long periods of time and not feel exhausted.  Seemed completely harmless to me.  But E and my family found out I was taking them and strongly encouraged me to quit taking them because they thought I was losing too much weight too fast.  They also said that I would be hurting myself in the long run if I kept taking the diet pills.  To make them happy, I complied.  Even though I was still exercising and eating well, the weight slowly came back on.  Different medications that I've taken over the years for depression and birth control have contributed to my gradual increase in weight.  Granted, my exercise and diet also attributed to my steady increase as well.  I'm not making excuses for schedule has become hectic over the years and I honestly don't have much time to myself, much less time to dedicate to exercising and eating right.

So how did my feathers get all ruffled in the first place?  It started with a smart ass remark made from someone.  This comment came from someone who claims to not have weight issues and to be a healthy individual.  The remark made was that fat people "are disgusting".  That hurt my feelings pretty deeply at the time because one, it came from someone that I'd went to school with and wouldn't ever expected that to come out of this person's mouth. and two, because I felt as though that comment was directed towards me.  Whether or not if it was directed towards me will be one of the many mysteries of life.  It was a horrible statement to make, regardless of who it was directed to.  I don't know the events that lead up to make someone say something so barbaric.  I don't really care to know either.  But to make a cruel label about people that you know nothing about is atrocious.  All I do know is that it made me feel like this person thought I was disgusting.  I'm sure that if it made me feel that way, it more than likely made other people feel the same way.  What little bit of confidence I had in myself at the time was instantly crushed.  I'm by no means a disgusting person, so why did it hurt my feelings to begin with?  Because this person took a subject that I was sensitive about and made me feel even worse about it.  It made me more insecure than I already was.  This person then tried to back up the remark saying that the comment referred only to people who were "fat", ate fast food, and complained about their weight.  Umm...last time I checked, there were people who were "healthy" that ate fast food and complained about their weight.  So that pissed me off even more.  It took everything in me not to jump this person's ass and make that person feel as horribly as I did.  But that's not the right thing to do; I cooled off and let it slide.

Several months ago, another person who I went to school with made the remark that even though this person would get a lot of heat for saying it, the classmates this person saw on that day looked like shit and needed to start taking care of themselves.  Yeah, that was pretty harsh as well.  It evolved to people letting themselves go, being overweight, and not making any effort to take care of their looks.  Another one of life's mysteries as to if that comment was directed towards me or not.  It's irrelevant.  Another person stood up to this person saying not to make remarks like that because number one, it doesn't make that person feel any better, number two, no one knows another person's life and situation, and number three, it made it seem like this person was better than everyone else.  Again, it came from another person who I'd thought was beyond making comments like this.   How could anybody be so ignoble?  What made it worse was that people were agreeing with this person's statement.  One person tried to defend the person who made the comment by saying that the common goal is trying to make everybody realize they should be healthy and to get them to do better for themselves.  So...telling people they look like shit is supposed to be motivating?  Not the kind of motivation I need.

I'm getting sidetracked from what I really wanted to accomplish.  I'm so fed up with people being labeled in general, by race, gender, age, economic status, body type; I could go on... it's ridiculous.  All the labels that people are given shouldn't be a reflection of who they are.  Just because a person has excess body fat doesn't mean that he or she isn't a genuinely good person.  I made this statement on Facebook and I'll make it again... I really wish people loved as unconditionally as dogs do.  The world really would be a much better place.  A dog doesn't judge you.  A dog loves you no matter what you look like or what kind of day you've had.  All a dog gives and wants in return is love.  I'd rather be overweight and kind than healthy and mean.  I know there are people who are healthy and kind and overweight and mean.  It's wrong to be mean!  Regardless of how a person looks or what a person has or doesn't have, everyone deserves kindness and respect.

I'm guilty of not eating right.  But that alone is not the reason I'm the size I am.  I love sweets, soda, fried food, and I'm not a fan of vegetables.  It's not really anybody's business why I'm the size I am.  I rarely wear make up.  My hair is a mess most of the time.  I wear over sized t-shirts and jeans.  I have wrinkles and my skin breaks out often.  I have a lot of gray hair.  But if I'm content and don't have medical issues, why pick on me?  Do you have your own insecurities and do you feel it's easier to make somebody else feel badly because you do?  I'm not harming you!  Leave me alone and keep your smart ass remarks to yourself.

Me all the time
there's always space.Always.

That sounds awesome… The story of my life!

I may not always be exactly where I want to be in life, but I'm taking my journey one road at a time.  I won't travel the same roads you do.  I'm happy with myself.  I'm sorry if you're not; but don't bring me down.

Don't judge anybody because you don't know what road they're going down.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Life in the Fast Lane

Hello, commuters!

I've been driving in the left lane this week, it seems!  I have been on the go and just honestly haven't had a chance to update.  Not much to report, but it's been a good week and a half.

Last Saturday was the Sanchez-Templet family reunion.  When I tell you it's been YEARS since my family has gotten together, I'm not exaggerating.  The only time we usually see each other is at weddings and funerals..  My mom, Kenny, Abigail, and I went and we HAD A BLAST!  We were so happy we got to see everyone.  Most of us are friends on Facebook and keep in touch like that, but nothing beats a good hug from a cousin (especially since I have the best ones)!.  My mom and I both agreed that being around family is the best medicine for Kenny.  We laughed, danced, ate, reminisced, and overall enjoyed ourselves--despite the heat and all!  The reunions will continue to be scheduled for every two years.  I'm looking forward to the next one!

Photo: Lil Kenney getting down

Abigail had practice for her dance revue last Wednesday.  I can't believe how close it is--it's TONIGHT!  TONIGHT MY GIRL WILL SHINE ON STAGE!  I'm so proud of Abigail.  She truly loves dancing and not to mention.....she's pretty darn good at it!  I will try to talk her into taking ballet next year along with jazz and tap.  She got an award for being in dancing for six years!

Photo: Sixth year of dancing award at Andrea's Dance Academy!
Photo: So excited to see my #dancingartist shine on stage Saturday night! #andreasdanceacademy #abigailjosephine

I haven't been able to make much progress with The Inferno.  Since it had been a few days that I had started reading it, I went back and re-read the first canto because I didn't understand all the references.    The book I got from Barnes and Noble has a bunch of end notes, but I find myself getting distracted having to flip back and forth between the reading and the notes.  I'm just barely into the second canto.  Although it's not an easy read, I'm enjoying it so far.  I'm really looking forward to finishing it (if I can get to that point).  It's really frustrating for me because I love to read and I just don't have the time to devote to reading as I would like.  I'm distracted by every day tasks that I have.  I don't have enough hours in the day to do everything I would like to!  I'm not trying to make an excuse for myself (or am I...?) but every time I turn around, I always have something to do!  If I sit down for five minutes, that's a lot!  Even though I don't have school taking up my time, I seem to have NO time to myself.  I'm saying that, but yesterday for example, I went to two Lowe's and two Home Depots trying to get sod for my front yard because I'm sick of looking at dirt.  After that, I had to stop at the fabric store to get something for Abigail's costume..  I had to stop to get gas..  I stopped by one of my friend''s house because her daughter and Abigail and best friends and my friend got admitted to the hospital yesterday (so keep her in your prayers!).  I didn't get home until almost 6:00.  Luckily, E cooked dinner.  I was busy putting down the sod I bought and I'm telling you...I'm feeling it today!

I got started on GoodReads tracking what books I've read, what books I want to read, and the progress I'm making on the two I'm reading now.  I didn't even mention...I've started reading Shakespeare's Much Ado about Nothing.  I really, REALLY like it so far.  I'm hoping to make a trip to the library and bookstore soon because there are quite a few books on my to-read list.

I have another novel/short story idea in the works too!  I haven't sat down and worked on it like I would've liked to, but for me, coming up with the idea in the first place is the hardest part!

I've also decided in stone to do literature readings for my YouTube videos.  I plan to do a short introduction video first, and I'll talk a little about me and my goal for doing the videos..  For each video after that, I am going to talk about what I'll be reading and its impact on me.  I don't plan on doing any kind of literary analysis on any of the readings because quite honestly, that's what school's for.  So stay tuned--I'll get around to it soon.

And that's been the past week and a half in my life.  Made a couple of pit stops along the way, but all good.  I will post again within the next week or so with an update on my readings, writings, and life.


Friday, June 6, 2014

Happy Anniversary to my blog!

I know I'm late, but I just realized I've been working on this blog for over a year now!

A LOT has happened over the past year, but I have to say that I really wouldn't change anything I've gone through. 


Because that's how life is. 

Life really is like the lanes of traffic. You may be in the right lane (literally) and people may pass you.  That's okay. You may be in the left lane attempting to pass someone and get side swiped. That would be a horrible thing to go through, but at the end of the day, you would still learn something from it. You might get a blowout from a pothole. But when you travel down that road again, you'd remember where that pothole was and you'd be sure to avoid it. 

Some days are like bumper to bumper traffic. It takes forever to get where you want to go, but all the while you're able to see and appreciate things you may not have been able to before. Sometimes there isn't traffic at all and you're able to get from point A to point B in no time.  That's not always have to expect traffic and you have to expect a few bumps in the road. 

At the end of the day, it's important to know that no matter what, you get to your destination.  It might take a little while longer than anticipated. Hell, you'll probably make a few wrong turns or perhaps take a detour. I know I have. But what makes it worth while is that I learn something new every day.

I'm grateful that I've taken some detours in my life. I'm grateful for some of the wrong turns I've taken, too. If I hadn't made mistakes, I might not have been able to be where I am right now--HAPPY. I can genuinely say I am happy with myself and the way things are going.

I'm happy that I am able to write my story. I am a work in progress and I know my writing isn't the best. I'm getting there. I really hope that at the end of the day, someone can learn something from me. Even if one person goal is complete.


Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken"--The story of my life!
I know it's kind of hard to read. But if you're not familiar with this poem, LOOK IT UP!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Writing & Reading

Hello, fellow commuters!

I hope everyone is having a good week so far. Mine has been pretty decent.

Not much has been going on. Abigail started summer camp this past week. She seems to really be enjoying it, so that makes me happy. 

I actually started reading a book that I've been meaning to read for the past eight months or so. It's Dante's The Inferno. I got through the first canto with no problem, so I'm hoping the rest will be smooth sailing as well. One goal I have for the summer break is to read some literature that I've always wanted to read and to possibly throw in a couple other good reads. I really do like to read, but I'm always on the go. I get easily distracted (unless classical music is playing) and I have a difficult time concentrating on anything, even if it's something I really like to do.

Another thing I worked on this week was not one, but two novel ideas! I love the moment when I get an idea and everything seems to fall right into place. One idea I'm saving for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), but the other one I think I'll work on for Camp NaNoWriMo in July. My understanding of the camp is to help you practice for The full NaNoWriMo in November. I think you set your word counts and everything. I will keep in touch as I'm working on it.

I still haven't decided on an idea for weekly or biweekly YouTube videos. I didn't think it was going to be this challenging. An idea just popped into my head--what about doing literature readings? I love to read aloud in class and it's not like I'd have to give an impromptu speech on it or anything. Just a thought... :)

I will try my best to keep updated as promised. This Saturday, I have a family reunion that I'm going to. I'm really looking forward to it. It's my dad's side of the family and most of them are older than I am. I haven't seen some of them in so long and some of them I don't know if I've seen at all! So it will definitely be a fun event! 

Saturday evening will be an emotional one for us as well. There will be a farewell reception for Father Billy at church. Sunday will be his last mass at OLPH. He will be visiting his family in Ireland for a few weeks and when he returns, he will be at a new church and OLPH will have a new priest. I'm remaining optimistic about it. No one can replace Father Billy, but I'm sure the new priest will be great as well.

That's about it for this week. I hope to have some progress on my novels and reading this week.

Have a great week!
