I've been driving in the left lane this week, it seems! I have been on the go and just honestly haven't had a chance to update. Not much to report, but it's been a good week and a half.
Last Saturday was the Sanchez-Templet family reunion. When I tell you it's been YEARS since my family has gotten together, I'm not exaggerating. The only time we usually see each other is at weddings and funerals.. My mom, Kenny, Abigail, and I went and we HAD A BLAST! We were so happy we got to see everyone. Most of us are friends on Facebook and keep in touch like that, but nothing beats a good hug from a cousin (especially since I have the best ones)!. My mom and I both agreed that being around family is the best medicine for Kenny. We laughed, danced, ate, reminisced, and overall enjoyed ourselves--despite the heat and all! The reunions will continue to be scheduled for every two years. I'm looking forward to the next one!

Abigail had practice for her dance revue last Wednesday. I can't believe how close it is--it's TONIGHT! TONIGHT MY GIRL WILL SHINE ON STAGE! I'm so proud of Abigail. She truly loves dancing and not to mention.....she's pretty darn good at it! I will try to talk her into taking ballet next year along with jazz and tap. She got an award for being in dancing for six years!

I haven't been able to make much progress with The Inferno. Since it had been a few days that I had started reading it, I went back and re-read the first canto because I didn't understand all the references. The book I got from Barnes and Noble has a bunch of end notes, but I find myself getting distracted having to flip back and forth between the reading and the notes. I'm just barely into the second canto. Although it's not an easy read, I'm enjoying it so far. I'm really looking forward to finishing it (if I can get to that point). It's really frustrating for me because I love to read and I just don't have the time to devote to reading as I would like. I'm distracted by every day tasks that I have. I don't have enough hours in the day to do everything I would like to! I'm not trying to make an excuse for myself (or am I...?) but every time I turn around, I always have something to do! If I sit down for five minutes, that's a lot! Even though I don't have school taking up my time, I seem to have NO time to myself. I'm saying that, but yesterday for example, I went to two Lowe's and two Home Depots trying to get sod for my front yard because I'm sick of looking at dirt. After that, I had to stop at the fabric store to get something for Abigail's costume.. I had to stop to get gas.. I stopped by one of my friend''s house because her daughter and Abigail and best friends and my friend got admitted to the hospital yesterday (so keep her in your prayers!). I didn't get home until almost 6:00. Luckily, E cooked dinner. I was busy putting down the sod I bought and I'm telling you...I'm feeling it today!
I have another novel/short story idea in the works too! I haven't sat down and worked on it like I would've liked to, but for me, coming up with the idea in the first place is the hardest part!
I've also decided in stone to do literature readings for my YouTube videos. I plan to do a short introduction video first, and I'll talk a little about me and my goal for doing the videos.. For each video after that, I am going to talk about what I'll be reading and its impact on me. I don't plan on doing any kind of literary analysis on any of the readings because quite honestly, that's what school's for. So stay tuned--I'll get around to it soon.
And that's been the past week and a half in my life. Made a couple of pit stops along the way, but all good. I will post again within the next week or so with an update on my readings, writings, and life.
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